Outlet Question

Could not find category for outlets so I am asking here. What would be good outlets to change too? I had hospital grade from Home Depot 20 years ago but left them when I moved. Is there any good outlets for about $20 U.S. anyone can recommend? I don't want to go crazy but get something better than what is stock on homes built in the last 4 years. Any suggestions would be great!


just a note not everyone lives in the same state let alone same country so check your local electrical codes.

Your probably going to want to be in code as your insurance company will definitely hang you out to dry if you have a fire and they find non-compliant outlets in your house. 

Then there is the why bother if your house is only 4 yours old. I don't imagine the current outlets have lost their grip already. main difference to the hospital outlets if higher grip force on the plug, more robust, built to higher standards. Not much difference in the conductors etc.  We don't generally plug and unplug our audio equipment multiple times a day so I don't see the need for them. your value may differ though. 

Ferrous Steel... Just look at an audio grade outlet company's outlet, that have their outlets made to their specs. You won't see any steel used. 

You don't have to spend big bucks for a good sounding outlet. Just buy one that has a non nickel plated brass back strap an non nickel plated brass contacts.

Wow! 🤔🤕🚯

Incidentally and in case anyone might be interested, here’s a rare comparison of several of the more popular “audiophile” outlets.  It’s 10 years old but still interesting/useful today I think.  Note that it includes a cryo’ed (not standard) Hubbell outlet.
