Axpona 2024 who is going and why?


AXPONA - Audio Expo North America

Join music lovers and audiophiles from around the world as they descend upon the nation’s largest showcase of manufacturers and retailers ever assembled in one venue only at AXPONA.

I booked flight and hotel reservation for Axpona 2024 last night.

This is my first time to Axpona.

My prime target will be

1. Aris Cerat which I had not listend myself.

How good is Aurora and theire Dac and elextronice?

2. MBL

I like theiir 101E which sounds very musical but wish to listen to therir larger model.

3. Martin Logan

It had been a while since I listened to Martin Logan, thus want to have update on their electrostatic speakers.

4. Clarisis speakeer

I wnat to find out how good this planar speaker is.

5. Wof von Langa

I wish to get a filed coild speakers most likely original or replica of Western Electric.

But I als want to find out how good it is.

I had also got very good impression of Songer Audio field coil units.

It will be nice if Voxactive also display field coil unts.

.6 Bcach-SP

Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP adio Stereo Purifier - The Absolute Sound

Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP adio Stereo Purifier - A Princeton professor of physics has spent decades figuring out how to make stereo sound more realistic. Now, with the “Band-Assembled Crosstalk Cancellation Hierarchy” (BACCH) processor, you can hear stereo imaging as never before...

I have serious interest in this cross talke cancelling unit and Dac.

I wish to find out the effect myself.

There could be unexpected suprise as ohter audio show. ;)

I had lived in Chicago from 1998 to 2001 whete my son was born.

I had enjoyed nice audio shops over there.

I bought my Apogee Duetta Sig driven by Krell KSA 150.

It is one of the most musical audio system through my 45 years of Audiophile.

Thanks, @f208frank & ​​@dgarretson for y'alls' Bacch view (pun intended)...👍👌

Seems a pity that something with such potential would just reinforce 'sweet spot lockdown', esp. at that/those price levels.  The speaker type selection isn't such a surprise, since it's noted as a pref at their website...perhaps the brand is a 'personal one' of the creator....🤷‍♂️  

If it sounds best in a larger space....why wasn't it becomes ?#1  It would seem that selling 1, maybe 2 would cover the show costs....

Maybe with my 2nd Lotto win... ;)

Thanks again, J

@shkong78 Good that you're feeling better Xcept for missing the show, which can't help but disappoint....:(

Fortune willing and the middle east remaining relatively intact, there's AX25.  It being a 7 day venture ( 2 to, 3 at, 2 back)(,,,or more; FLW fan), it'd have to vaca both self & spouse.....

...who would not care to spend 3 days in a loud hotel.... nooooo :)

I was there Saturday - my 2nd time attending. Good fun but as most note - very difficult to hear something, much less properly in a well set up room. And, not much time as I was trying to see/hear a fair amount. So, take with a grain of salt or two.

A few of my more significant impressions:

The Auralic room was indeed out of this world because of the speakers - how in the world could anyone live with something that gargantuan?  Regardless, I found the massive horns “cupped” sounding so not my cup of tea. 

The T+A room at the time were driving their mid level speakers with the new R2500 receiver. I was impressed. And, I was able to speak with some of the reps at length which was a goal for me as i own their gear.

The dartzeel room? I couldn’t believe how bright sounding it was. They dropped the needle on stairway to heaven and I shocked at how tipped up it was. Oh well.

QLN audio - I thought their new speakers quite good sounding (Vinnie Rossi integrated amp) and had a nice chat with James from Choice audio. For me - one of the better sounding rooms. A little brighter than neutral overall, but open and spacious sounding soundstage.

Same with ATC - also good showing.

MBL? I was blown away last year. This year, not as good. I still want them, but the bass seemed a bit bloated and lacking some pitch definition.

TAD - very disappointing on the track I hear. But the room was crowded and hot and i didn’t have the patience to hear another track. But not a great showing for what I suspect is a pretty good speaker.

Atmosphere: I couldn’t tell enough because of the track being played, but I do think his Class D amps might be the ticket for a small secondary system. Really smooth and easy to listen to.

Magnepan - shocking how good a $1k speaker (and their top model) can sound. (Yeah, add  subs). You need room, but they truly are an audiophile bargain.

WADAX/Goebel. Given all the windows, sounded pretty good. Certainly resolving and smooth. Considering the cost of the system overall, it should be. Even if I could afford the WADAX stuff, I couldn’t live with it (or house it in my rack). If it’s the best in the world - which I I suspect it is - it needs a better setup (dedicated room - not a show) to reveal it.

@lalitk Do you have an opinion on the sonic differences between the Diptyque DP115 and the Magnepan LRS+ (or higher)?


@jayctoy Was the KRELL mono this one?

KMA-i800 Mono Amplifier – Krell (


In my opinion, the ‘re-invented’ wave of ribbon flat panel speakers are much more smoother and dynamic. This is all started with Alsyvox..I was floored when I heard them couple of years ago. Never thought a ribbon speaker could sound so beautiful and powerful (bass) at the same time. No offense to any of the Maggie’s fans but these new flat panel speakers are on another level. They have found a way to tame the high frequencies treble that could easily lead to listening fatigue on extended sessions.

While $12k retail is not a chump change, the Diptyque DP115 is a hell of a speaker.