Accuphase E-5000 factory power cord good enough?

I have Accuphase E5000 plugged into my Equitech son of q jr. balanced power supply. Sounds great and I have had the Equitech for a good 15 years now. Everything is dead quiet, not even a hiss coming from the system. Just started thinking about power cords and if it is worth it, I’m in the U.S., if that matters. Thanks

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Definitely experiment if you have the time money and energy. And I was like @stereo5 that Accuphase makes hi end cables? A web search certainly brings some up.

No stock power cord is any good at minimum at least a $1k powercord is needed to get thebest out of the5000.

I bought a pair of Accuphase cables, directly from them.   They have interconnects and I think AC cables as well.  

@stereo5 I see the Accuphase cables you are talking about on their website, but no power cables from them. I just see eBay sellers selling the power cables for around $35. I don’t believe they are actually from Accuphase.

So Accuphase makes a cost-no-object nearly $20,000 integrated amps, with hand selected components chosen for sound quality then cheaps out with a Two-Buck Chuck power cord? I'm kinda thinking not.