
Being a member of the “streaming  revolution” for some time now, I’ve barely listened to my large CD collection (I’ve listened to records because I acquired a new analog setup). Several thousand CDs have been lying fallow. This is partially due to mobility issues (although records are more demanding,) and the convenience and lure of listening to new music,  Now, I’m delving into my CDs and discovering treasures long forgotten. Although it’s a little more effort, I find it very much worth it. It’s like refinding old friends.  Very rewarding.

Any of you having this experience?


mostly CD for me, though lots of streaming and LP too...CD replaced LP as primary for me about 7-8 years ago...have been enjoying streaming a long time now...

I just recently bought a Cambridge Audio CXC Transport and CA DacMagic 100 specifically to revisit my CD collection.  I love it.  I also listen primarily to Progressive Rock, Progressive Metal, and Progressive Death Metal.  A lot of fantastic new British, Norwegian, Polish, French, and U.S. bands are entering these genres, and they don't have the funds to press vinyl.  CD's give me a way to support them besides just streaming.  Many are not on Tidal, so CD's or the band's downloads are the only way to get physical or semi-physical formats.

I'm a CD guy, through and through. I use streaming to find "new" music (new to me, anyway), and if I like what I find, I usually buy the CD (or SACD).

My kids make fun of me, but it has been my experience that CDs usually have better sound quality than streaming. Not always, but most times. JM2CW.

@hickamore NAIM claim a 5-6 minute rip time… so the math is 350 hours or so… of rip time….DB Power amp is similar on my laptop. Project unfolded gradually over years after getting bulk of my collection ripped…. not something i want to repeat… and frankly as streaming improves the NAS rips are not always better sounding….

Best to you as i always enjoy your thoughtful contributions here