Anyone has a reference system where amplification is SS ?

I never heard of audiophiles whose reference system had transistor amplification. It is always tubes. But maybe there are exceptions.


Yes, there is both right and wrong, you are simply seemingly unaware of it.

Simply a wonderful question. What about Hybrid Reference Systems? Best of both worlds, 

I was being sarcastic about this being a wonderful question. 

You have not been around long , at least 65% of amplifiers are SS 

not tube . I owned a Audiostore for a decade, the progression of SS over the last 15 years SS Mosfets ,or bipolar transistors have many vacuum tube attributes in smoothness ,there are many more SS amps then tubes , plus some speakers need high current high SS is  to move panels or drivers ,Vacuum tube voltage driven .

look at Vitus Gryphon, Pass labs, Boulder , Ayre, Bryston Krell ,MBL
Luxman,Accuphase Goldman just to name a few and many are Very $$.


I just went from a Tube system to SS. It takes a little re-adjusting with cables, etc. But in the end, I am happy.
