"The Ultra High-End Speaker."

My entire relatively simple high end audio system retails for approx. $70,000, with my speakers alone retailing for approx. $24,000 (Revel Salon 2 speakers).  I've been around high-end audio for over 40 years.  I attend audio shows and visit local and non-local high-end audio shops on a regular basis.  I get to hears a lot of high-end audio speakers and gear all the time.  That said, I honestly believe, along with others who've visited my home and have listened to my system, that my system (speakers) produce that ultra high-end, reference quality sound.  Others would suggest that, when it comes to speakers, that the "Ultra High-End" sound can only be achieved by megabuck speakers costing 50K, 100K, 250k and beyond.  I do not believe that ultra high-end ("Sound Quality") is excusive to those speakers costing a king's ransom.  And, I think my own system is am example of what can be achieved at a lower (not for most people) price point.  I absolutely believe in the law of diminishing returns, especially when it comes to high-end speakers.  What's your definition, idea of, what you consider to be, a "Ultra High-End Speaker, and at what price point does the ultra high-end start?????            


The ONLY way to get the best performance out of ANY speaker is to first, use the best electronics and front-ends, second, to tune the room, and third to set up the speakers in the best position and then tune the crossovers to the room and electronics.  

You are right but it will not be enough...😁

Because of the lost of some acoustic information in the spatial dimension of the sound by crosstalk and this IN ANY STEREO SYSTEM at whatever price and perfection level ... ...

It is the reason why my only recommended upgrade, for those who are happy as Lavigne and me with their system/room, is the BACCH filters by Dr. Choueiri ...

It is true for Mike Lavigne system as for my very low cost system , we are happy with our own; any other upgrade would be problematic or perhaps marginal in the Lavigne Case ; in my case any real upgrade will be more costly and less impactful than the BACCH filters themselves ...

Psycho-acoustics science  rule the gear and room and their relation ...

Nevermind the price tag here  this will not change the basic fact about hearing  ......


The ONLY way to get the best performance out of ANY speaker is to first, use the best electronics and front-ends, second, to tune the room, and third to set up the speakers in the best position and then tune the crossovers to the room and electronics.


Mahgister-what makes you think you are the only 1 that knows certain things? For most of us that spend tens of thousands of dollars on gear, don’t you think these same people know how to treat their room? The room is a must to do right first. A good treated room can cost many thousands of dollars. But the thing is, even if you spend tens of thousands building your room with all the acoustic treatments with the right dimensions, a cheap stereo will still sound cheap. But this same room will allow your better equipment like the Revels the OP has, to sound their best. It would be foolish to spend thousands on the room if you have cheap equipment, but at the same time, it would be foolish if you didn’t do this if you have good quality equipment, like the Revels. 

It depends on room size mainly. Larger rooms require larger speakers and larger good quality speakers cost more.

$24K for speakers should be able to do it in most cases if spent wisely. More cost may or may not yield some marginal improvements. The devil is always in the details. The Revels are very good quality and a very fine choice.

Speakers must be more than excellent but it's not the speakers that take the system to the reference level, it's the source and the amps.