Why Streaming Service Sounds ‘Flat’ vs Tune In /Local FM /Radio Paradise

I use a Bluesound Node, first or second gen I believe.

I use the S/PDIF output feeding my Esoteric K-07X CD/DAC using it as a DAC.

I find that CD’s, most things using Tune In, and local FM listening sound better than  streaming either Tidal or Qobuz. 

For the life of me, I can’t figure why that might be, since all are using the K-07X internal DAC. I can understand the CD, as it’s internal, with no S/PDIF cable to possibly muck things up. FWIW, I’m using the Illuminati/Kimber D-60 as my digital cable.

Any thoughts appreciated.


I found the main reason for what your experiencing boils down to mastering quality. Many, if not all, recent "remasters" are inferior to the older versions. It's quite apparent if you dig in to the various versions on tidal that many times the newer "remastered " version doesn't sound as good as the older version and in some cases the new one is just bad sounding i.e. flat, no dynamics etc. Even some of the master quality tracks sound worse than the originals. Its just the mastering now is not mastered for our systems but for headphones. Seems compression, lifeless sound sells. 

I just got a Bluesound Node 130 today from Crutchfield and just finished hooking it up.  Using it wirelessly in my garage system.  Just a straight setup with their cables (horrors!).  It only been playing about 90 minutes (WBGO Jazz out of Newark) .  Well I'm very pleasantly surprised how nice and clean it sounds.  Not compressed, Ella sounds like Ella.  Bass has more weight than I thought it would.  Just gonna let it play for a day then add it as an end-point to Roon.  

It sounds better than it has right to at $600.



@jacobsdad2000 So your truck does not have a streamer. You stream from an iPhone and then use a lossy method like Bluetooth or Apple Car Play to get it into your truck's audio system.


@jacobsdad2000 So your truck does not have a streamer. You stream from an iPhone and then use a lossy method like Bluetooth or Apple Car Play to get it into your truck's audio system.


@mwinkc yep, not that complicated, RP Icon is on the screen in my truck through Apple Connect. I press the Icon and music plays.