Antique Sound Labs

I picked a pair of Monoblocs at an auction and haven’t been able to find any information on them. They say Antique Sound USA on them. They’re marked as Model 108. Has 4 KT90’s as outputs. Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks. That really helps. Still looking for information and schematics for this model.

See what you mean (old schematic links are dead).

You could try asking @ DIYAudio and  AudioKarma in the event that someone saved them.



ASL was a very active brand from about 1995 to 2015. Divergent Technologies in Canada was the importer. I do not think you'll find schematics online - these are usually not shared. Try to contact Tosh at Divertech - he is the Copland importer for North America.

Nothing to add of assistance but felt like noting that this thread is why I first starting using this site. Good questions with smart useful answers. Information is really important in finding the gear and room that lets the music touch your soul.