Better hearing

Seems my hearing has unproved. more dynamic, richer, more bass. same system for the last 10 years.


speaker - RBH 1266-s but not the better ones.

Amp Marantz PM 7001

Any ideas ?

















I just bought these eardrops for ringing ears at Rite Aid... I had a situation where a home alarm went off while I was trying to put in the (wrong) code .. like 140db high pitched noise at point blank for 2 minutes .. my ears hurt and were ringing for a while so I stopped by Rite aid and they have this natural organic ear drop stuff for ringing ears and it felt great, like moisturizer for your ear drums... I have been putting it in occasionally ever since, seems like the ears like it

Hmmm.....spouse bought a product called Calm Ear.....good for itching and general annoyance from aid wearing, but no panacea for loss....

She's also been taking an OTC that purports to improve. but I can misinterpret what she's 'on about' anyway, anyhow....😏

(If this is set-up for a 'vitamin hype'...we will find you and hummm off-key a lot. 🤨)

If 'adult distractions' are involved....all claims are subject to scrutiny....and queries as to source....*sigh*  Obviously, better than mine...

I’m a clay shooter. When I shot pistol at indoor ranges, I’d double up with both earplugs and shooter muffs. I used to ride motorbikes for 35-40 years as well... Again, ear plugs always. I don’t like loud television or the radio too loud in the car. Wear noise cancelling earbuds when I mow, even though I have an electric mower. Sometimes I’ll even wear earplugs at night. And I keep my ears clean.

I’m sure at 66 I’ve lost some range but I can still hear things pretty well and often before those around me. I take my hearing protection VERY seriously. Even with all that I do have some minor tinnitus. I attribute it to my fondness for good wine. 😋

All this to say, take care of your sense organs! Don’t abuse your hearing or your eyes!

Happy listening. (And hearing!)