Burning smell

I have McIntosh 1.25 kw mono blocks. They are around 6 years old. One of them has started emitting an electrical burning smell when playing music. It doesn’t do it when just powered up, only when playing . Does anyone have a possible diagnosis of what component may be failing or what is happening ? Thanks


@carlsbad2 don’t be so pessimistic. The amps do burn especially when not attended and listening music on the background and you are bringing fraud ideas all of a sudden? Note it’s not me bringing those. YOU DO SIR.

Those big macs should have all sorts of risk teams if anything goes down South like that. If ever anything like that reported that big macs caught fire, there will be LOTS of LOUD NOISE from consumers reaching out the press and media.

If anything found funky like that that could cause fire, you may be entitled for the safety recall repair. Assess the situation and report it to manufacturer. 



A 6 year old amp emitting a burning smell is a sign that something is overheating and cooking nearby insulation or itself, like an overheating resistor. Don’t take it lightly. On a new amp burning smells may happen for a while but soon diminish - kind of like the undercoating they used to put on cars. A number of people have been becoming disenchanted with McIntosh’s reliability and quality control lately.

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