Burning smell

I have McIntosh 1.25 kw mono blocks. They are around 6 years old. One of them has started emitting an electrical burning smell when playing music. It doesn’t do it when just powered up, only when playing . Does anyone have a possible diagnosis of what component may be failing or what is happening ? Thanks


Showing 2 responses by carlsbad2

Czarivey as usual giving bad advice including insurance fraud.


Two most likely culprits are caps and resistors.  If it is a cap, it may just be leaking fluid onto a normally hot component.

A quick inspection by you (if you know how to open it up) or a tech should identify the hot component.  If not, then power it up with the top off and a thermal camera will identify the hot component immediately.  Should not be expensive fix.  


and if you can afford this amp, you don't need to commit insurance fraud.

