Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?

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No - especially for a CD transport.  That's as muddle-headed as upgrading the power cord on a turntable.  

Ahhh, and here come the angry emails from our resident troll.....lovely. Lol. 


Try a few and report back.

I've experienced changes in sound when swapping the PC's on DAC's and players with some being more to my liking and some not.

Also experienced an improvement in sound when changing the PC on a vintage/stock Thorens TT, but the original PC was a 40 year old (@ the time) lamp cord.

I pigtailed in the replacement which was a popular (under $50) PC 20 years ago.

The DOLLAR amount mentioned as to @ which point you should be able to hear a difference/improvement is complete hogwash IMO.

