Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


Showing 12 responses by coralkong

Yes, they do....generally speaking, of course.

I have used many CD players of varying quality over the years.

IN GENERAL, the nicer the CD player, the better the unit responds to a nicer cord.

If you are using a cheapie CD player (say....under $1k), you probably won’t hear a difference.

When you start talking about $2K+ players with quality power supply(-ies), then yes, you can hear a difference. I don’t think you need to go overboard with the quality of the cord, but a couple-of-hundred dollar cord on a good CD player will be noticeable.

(It’s easily demonstrable with my Esoteric, Yamaha, Classe, modified Denon tube CD player, etc...)

Everything makes a difference on audiophile equipment, and CD players are no different.

P.S. Nice setup. Love the speakers!

Only a complete moron would equate a $4k CD transport/player with a hair dryer.

Ignore the troll.

It’s unfortunate, but the guy has no real equipment, and as such, feels the need to shout on every cable post that nothing matters. I mean, if you have no point of reference, I guess it doesn't. 

Same guy was "schooling" me on how his $15 DVD player sounds just as good as my $6K Esoteric. Uh-huh. Sure it does.

Some people just aren’t worth arguing with. He’s not here to learn anything. Ignore him.

Ahhh, and here come the angry emails from our resident troll.....lovely. Lol. 


@richardbrand ,

You’re likely NOT to hear a difference would be my guess. The Power Supply in those types of units are made with the cheapest parts that can be sourced. But, acknowledging your point, I never tried what you’re suggesting, so I can’t say for sure.

As I said a year ago, (when this thread was started), you’re going to need a higher-end unit with much higher end, heavier duty (usually separate for analog and digital) power supplies to hear a difference with a power cord change. I’ve tried power cord swaps on $699 MSRP players and didn’t really hear much of a change at all. I’ve also tried swaps on $3k+ players, and the change was immediate, and very noticeable.

I still stand by that. The change is real, but you have to start with something quality, not a $39 WalMart DVD player. Give it a shot, though if you’re feeling froggy. You can always re-hook the Wall Wart power wires back up with wire-nuts, lol.



"Great claims require great evidence."

Pop a cd in and listen. Change the power cable. Repeat.


@squared80 , I'm guessing you don't own a $3k+ cd player. Also, define "quantifiable". You keep telling yourself that.....because once you know, you know forever. Unquantifiable? Lol.

Have a great day.


I could do me some Lagavulin.......just saying. And a little DSOTM on SACD upstairs on the Yamaha CDS-2100..

"Prove it, bro!"


Just not worth arguing about.


I really don't understand any arguments against the principle. I don't get it. It's easily demonstrated. 

"Prove it, bro!"

Ummmm, I've proven it to myself for years now...It's easily demonstrable. 

I'm not here to prove anything to anyone. YOU prove me wrong.


@richardbrand , Lagavulin is my personal favorite.

Followed closely by MacAllan 18.

Mixing single-malts? Blasphemy!