Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?

I have a microfiber cloth and distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. 

I can use all this to clean a TV screen and my glasses, but is there a preferred way to clean pristine glossy finish on speaker cabinets so that trace scratching does not appear?.



I use a spray intended for cleaning Apple Mac screens. Otherwise, just dry dust, using mop type duster or Swiffer. 

Use a swifter and never touch it. Almost any cloth will have dust embedded in it and will cause micro scratches… dulling the finish. If you had accidentally touched it, then use a brand new / perfectly clean fluffy micro fiber closet with a small mist of water on the cloth.


Once clean, don’t touch and dust with a swifter.


It most beautiful finished items I owned are my Sonus Faber Amati in red violin… they are simple mesmerizing to look at. I want to do nothing to take away from the finish.

I always vacuum the dust off gloss speakers then use car wax to make them shine.