Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers?

I have a microfiber cloth and distilled water and isopropyl alcohol. 

I can use all this to clean a TV screen and my glasses, but is there a preferred way to clean pristine glossy finish on speaker cabinets so that trace scratching does not appear?.



Showing 6 responses by ghdprentice

Use a swifter and never touch it. Almost any cloth will have dust embedded in it and will cause micro scratches… dulling the finish. If you had accidentally touched it, then use a brand new / perfectly clean fluffy micro fiber closet with a small mist of water on the cloth.


Once clean, don’t touch and dust with a swifter.


It most beautiful finished items I owned are my Sonus Faber Amati in red violin… they are simple mesmerizing to look at. I want to do nothing to take away from the finish.



Great question. Here is what ChatGPT says:


To clean the glossy finish on speakers, use a soft microfiber cloth to gently wipe away dust and fingerprints. You can dampen the cloth slightly with water if needed, but avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the finish. If there are stubborn smudges, try using a small amount of mild soap diluted in water. Remember to dry the surface thoroughly afterward.



I would agree with you… but ChatGPT basically said the same thing as Steinway.

I like to start with 40 grit. But I am impatient. Get to 220 as soon as possible. Then jewelers rouge.






Have you ever owned a high quality one? They are completely in a league of their own. Nothing like a t-shirt… or any other cotton product. Many times softer, lighter.


There are different categories of microfiber cloths… there are the flat no fluff… and really fluffy. The later are great for eye glasses and delicate cleaning. Just judging from the photos i think these look like the light fluffy type.


Give them a try, one of the amazing inventions over the last couple dozen years. There is a much sturdier variety for windows… much heavier.