Integrated amplifier for Fritz Speakers

Hi All,

I started a discussion about "Monitors for 14 x 20 Room" back last November. There was a lot of good advice and Fritz Speakers kept being positively mentioned.

At the time, I thought WAF would be low for a larger sized monitor. Now I think I have the stage set for Fritz speakers and am thinking either new Carreras or Carbons. 

I would prefer an integrated amp because it is one less piece of equipment io place in in a constrained space.

I would also prefer solid state to solid state, in order to have this system as problem free as possible.

Your ideas and suggestions, please 









i haven’t heard the Carreras so I can’t actually comment on them. However , others have said the Be tweeter can be very energetic even though Fritz’s implementation is also said to keep things natural and relaxed . So, I would recommend calling John and speaking to him about your room and what music you’ll be playing and how loud, etc.

He’s a super guy and will help you sort things out without giving you a hard sell.

My room is 13x18x9 with big openings on 2 of the walls.

I also agree with @chayro … you can pair them pretty effectively with a lot of amps. They are easy to drive so you could start with what you have and then upgrade the amp later.

My Carbons also sound very good with a $380 Vista Audio Spark.

At your budget, I would at least take a look at the Alstine SET120 Control amp.



I would get the speakers… get them broken in, then start thinking about the character of the integrated you want… assuming you have something to power them today.

At $1500 you should consider used. Sugden A21 integrated may work nicely. Well reviewed and lots of tube like qualities.



I owned Carrera BE's for over three years and have owned speakers with the same drivers as the Carbons. Which speaker model you chose will determine the best amp for you as their voicings are not the same.  As was recommended several times just call John(Fritz} and ask his advice.  He has personally owned and used integrated amps from Belles, Kinki, Van Alstine and others for SS but he does seem to prefer tubes with the Carrera's in his own system.  

The Belles Aria integrated would be high on my list in your price range used.  Here’s one, but he’s the second owner so I’d make him pay shipping/fees at his asking price.