Xangsane XS-1001Ag silver coax SPDIF cable

I recently purchased a second hand Gustard X26 Pro DAC.

I was a bit disappointed with the sound from the sPDIF input; imprecise, splashy treble, not enough resolution.

I was using a Canare coaxial cable. Supposed to be "True 75Ohms and industry standard".

I decided to order this Xangsane pure silver coax cable, it arrived a couple of days ago. All I can say is WOW. Much more precision and transparency. Fabulous, wide and open image. Sometimes still a tiny bit "restrained" (?) in bass dynamics but the cable is new and pure silver + teflon is going to need some break in time.

But with this cable I’m finally able to hear what the X26 Pro is capable of!


@rolox : Thanks. 130 euros is very reasonable cost for a good cable. It shows the snake oilers would always protest on cables, regardless of their price. It's a concept thing for them, nothing to do with price. They just dislike (or is it "hate"?) cables, period.

LavriCables is another one to put on your radar. Several of us here have used their various cables, and everyone without exception has been very impressed with both their performance and value. They use 5N silver and high-quality AECO connectors and have very good build quality and seem to be priced similarly to Xangsane cables. They are made in Latvia BTW, but I don’t think they make a digital cable. Just another option to consider FWIW. Here are their base-level RCA interconnects just for reference…


I agree @soix Lavricables are great value for the money. However, I don’t think they make S/PDIF or AES/EBU cables. 


Looks like I've been labeled an "expert" just because I like the Xangsane products. Oh well, I can live with that.

I recently ordered and received a Xangsane phono cable from AliXpress, Ordered it because I was hoping the shielding protocol used looked “proper” and wanted to see if it would help reduce hiss/hum from my vinyl playback.

Yup, it did! Noise all but gone!

Have not had an opportunity to A/B the cable with my previous one sonically (too busy comparing amps at the moment…) but I look forward to listing what, if any improvement I hear.

It did do what I hoped it would do, and that was eliminate pretty much all the noise! Was so pleased with that, don’t know if I care how much better it sounds sonically, because it already sounds better :)

Would happily try one of their other products and compare them to the other cables in my system.


The naysayers like to compare a source to a DC battery, and the receiving component to a light bulb. Constant, stable source, constant stable load.Cable is not going to matter much beyond its resistance.

In a home Hifi set up, this is flawed thinking. An ever changing dynamic signal going from the source to a reactive load/destination component. The impedance, resistance and capacitance of the cable all react to that dynamic signal differently, and send a modified version of the signal to the load, or destination component.

Cables, matter.