Can you have too much speaker presence?

My dealer says I’d lose too much speaker presence if I went to a smaller speaker. I’m not posting the speaker in question solely because I don’t want this to become an attack on them. I get it, presence means there and in the area, but can too much become and issue, especially when it is centered in a specific frequency range? 



My speakers are Focal Maestro EVO’s and room is 16/17 with a wide opening to the kitchen.

My bad I guess for not thinking to check the profile page.  Nice system, and best of luck in wherever you go from here.  I think I can see why you wanted to at least explore monitors possibly with a couple good subs?  Can’t the dealer lend you some stuff to demo at home?

I can loosely relate “presence” to the scale of music. I experienced this upgrade when I moved from a small loudspeaker to my current one. If that is what it presence, then the dealer might be right. With the smaller speaker you might get better imaging, but at the expense of scale. It’s up to your taste.

It depends on the design quality, but for me in general a larger speaker has made the performers and scale image larger. If that's what he means I agree. If he's using the term to mean "in the room presence" as in singer in the room, which can be a specific frequency, not so much.