AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


I think there exist only two kind of entities physically...

The living one which are gounded on natural biology and rooted in a universal information/formation field and derivatives from it ... From the primitive cells to extraterestrials with humans in between ...

The non living or artificial one which are not grounded on this field... human or extraterretrials A.I. hive mind... All hive minds are the same with their own clock...

in the non physical dimensions, there exist only four species: coming from the source or going back to the source and staying far from the source or staying near the source ... and all others mix of these cycles..

This is my basic spiritual ecology...

The information/formation field at the origin of life for me is the number theory focus : the prime numbers distributions rythm which contain in itself all knowledge as a spectrum... ...Numbers as geometrical forms are the musical shadows of one light or one sound, one intelligence and one consciousness coming from the source ...


«Are you saying that optics and acoustics are the ultimate forms of theology ?»-- Anonymus scientist

«Why not!»--Groucho Marx 🤓

«Is !=? sometimes or never , or is this equality a non commutative one ?»--- Harpo Marx😎



+1, good one, and on the other hand (from ChatGPT):


AI can potentially harm the music industry in several ways:

1. Copyright infringement: AI algorithms can easily generate music that resembles existing copyrighted material, leading to unauthorized use and potential legal issues.

2. Job displacement: AI-generated music might replace human musicians in certain areas, leading to job losses and unemployment.

3. Lower quality content: If AI-generated music becomes prevalent, there might be a decline in originality and creativity, resulting in a decrease in overall music quality.

4. Impact on streaming platforms: AI-generated music flooding streaming platforms could lead to an overwhelming amount of low-quality content, making it challenging for users to discover new and authentic music.

5. Unequal competition: Smaller artists and musicians might find it difficult to compete with AI-generated music created by well-funded entities, leading to a concentration of power in the industry.

6. Manipulation of tastes: AI algorithms can be used to analyze user preferences and tailor music to maximize commercial success, potentially leading to a homogenization of music styles.

Proper regulations and ethical considerations are essential to mitigate the negative impacts and leverage the positive aspects of AI in the music industry.

Mostly redundant to my previous post.  But that is the risk of AI generated cut-n-paste I guess.


That list of potential harms describes the harms already perpetrated on us via the invention of fast computing and the internet.

I don't think this has been addressed yet. As a professional artist, the age old question, "Where do you get your ideas from" is always asked of me.

Well, in my case it's a matter of closing off the floodgate of ideas. It's always been constant. I open the 'door' just a crack and let a few in at a time.

There are realms unknown to most people, accessible to all who have the correct 'key'. Inspiration comes from a particular place, accessed through the subconscious. I spent many years with a teacher who was a master at self-hynosis.

I SERIOUSLY DOUBT AI WILL EVER BE ABLE TO ACCESS THAT. At least until it learns to create a soul.

It will be stuck doing derivative works.