What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?

Hi everyone,

I’m in the midst of my speaker search and curious about something.......as noted above. There are some brands I would be interested in based on reputation, reviews, looks etc but may never be able to hear first.

I’m curious what the collective group thinks would be a safe choice having never heard them first. I know there are variables as in size of room, current gear etc. Just want to see what people would suggest. The one I would note based on what I have read is Joseph Audio. I’d also be curious if people would say the same about Borresen.

So it may be a frivolous exercise but I’ll ask the question anyway. Let me know your thoughts.


None no matter how revered they are even by every expert. No speaker is perfect and the combination of characteristics that make you happy may be very personal.

Saying that there may be two ways to do it. The safest is, of course, if you can return the speakers for a nominal fee and you can afford the shipping and restocking.

The second sort of contradicts my first paragraph and is way less safe. If you read a lot of reviews and the descriptions sonically in the reviews sound like the kind of sound you like AND  you've found in the past you have agreed with the reviewer's  work and many reviews are very consistent and you have no other way to hear the speakers it may be worth the risk. But it would scare me to do it even though it sounds logical.


I have never heard a Fyne Audio or Joseph Audio that didn't amaze me, I'd have no qualm about buying either brand on reputation. Also I would have no problem ordering a "direct to consumer" brand like Buchardt Audio, that have solid demo policies.

You have not provided nearly enough info to receive an intelligent suggestion.  

One that you can listen to in your home, has a return policy, and you're comfortable with the cost of returning it.

Along with the sellers who have return policies, there are forums out there which have subforums with owners of various speakers and maybe someone near where you live. I've found many audio lovers are very generous (or just lonely?) with their time and are willing to allow auditions.