Salk Future TBD

Jim put up this post over on AC earlier today…;topicseen#new


Their should’ve been a succession plan in place. Think of Thiel, which was also a total fail in this regard. All owners of Salk speakers should now be worried about how they’ll get their speakers fixed should anything go wrong. That’s not a comfortable place to be.

I think Salk is just using off the shelf drivers, so driver replacement is actually easier compared to manufacturers that use bespoke drivers.


Actually Jim just posted that he will continue to service Salk speakers new and preowned but will no longer be making them. 

Sounds like an amazing opportunity for someone with the right skill set.  I love the idea of doing this but I know I don't have the skills or experience in either cabinet making or the speaker guts to make it work.

I’m fortunate to have a pair of SongTowers and Song Monitors...great speakers and great values...and gorgeous...I spoke to Jim one time (I live close to Salk Sound) and Jim was incredibly kind, generous and informative...