Salk Future TBD

Jim put up this post over on AC earlier today…;topicseen#new


Showing 3 responses by soix

Their should’ve been a succession plan in place. Think of Thiel, which was also a total fail in this regard. All owners of Salk speakers should now be worried about how they’ll get their speakers fixed should anything go wrong. That’s not a comfortable place to be.

Wow.  I’m surprised some entrepreneur interested in making great speakers didn’t pick this up for a song.  Pun intended.  Best of luck Jim in your future endeavors!

+1 @tomic601  @jsalk although I never had the pleasure of hearing your excellent speakers, by all accounts you are absolutely one of the gems in the industry on all levels, and I’m really interested in hearing what your next chapter involves.  Can you maybe give us at least a hint here?