Advice on how to liquidate system

Few weeks ago, I sustained traumatic blast induced hearing loss during a training incident. The level of hearing loss and tinnitus is pretty bad, I’ve had only a minimal level of improvement. midrange and upper frequencies sound like a 1970’s transistor radio. Horrible. The reality of the situation is looking like my audiophile days are pretty much over. Now I’m thinking of what to do with the gear…the thought of dismantling my rig and selling piece by piece is nauseating. Are there any resources that would come in and take it all? At this point I really don’t give a crap about being lowballed, it’s aggravating to look at what Ive put so much time and effort into and not be able to enjoy it. I need to move on.  



As I recall, you asked “how” to liquidate the entire system…not “if” you should liquidate the entire system. Skimmed the responses but didn't see a direct answer (may have missed it).  So, here is one:

List it for sale here with a brief explanation of your reason for selling and willingness to be flexible to support a single, simple transaction. As you suggested, you may get low-balled but I suspect you’d get plenty of activity. 

I recommend auctioning everything.  Set the starting bid at 25% of the MSRP, the market will dictate how much everything is worth.  While your situation may be temporary, you can always build a new system.  Designing a system based on research, finding good deals, and setting up a system is half the fun of this hobby.  You may even decide you want a new headphone rig so you can really turn up the volume.  I do hope your hearing improves, and definitely don’t rule out a lawsuit since everyone carries insurance.

@jl1ny hang in there man. Hopefully it’s temporary and at least you’ll regain some or most of your hearing. 
As to liquidating your entire system…I see you are in New York so give SkyFi Audio in Jersey a call. But…hope you give yourself some time and chance to recover before moving on. Best wishes to you!


The little I can glean from your explanation of events it sure doesn't seem like you're the kind of guy who gives up (working with flash bangs!).  So, I submit that this is not the time to sell.  Hang in there and go down every road to resolve this issue.

Research the best doctors in NY and see them all as well as alternative remedies. Hoping for a good outcome.

