The best part about MQA bankruptcy..

Is going to be that we will see many fewer discussions on Audiogon about it! 🤣

Now we can all focus on hating on ASR and professional reviewers.


In my opinion nothing beats a great sacd and a great sacd player

i have both Qobuz, tidal  and vinyl Oh its

crazy how we fall for hype everyone ran towards the tidal wave. And 

got smoked. 

That’s a shame, not that I’m a MQA fan but less options for us, and less competition if Tidal fails. Also, there really needs to be a solution to large hi rez digital files and streaming. Streaming is the future and that includes Mobile streaming like ROON ARC, which is amazing…I’d hate to put bandwidth before quality and stay stuck in the mp3 days…that’s awful. We’ve evolved so much with Quobuz, Tidal and ROON. Sorry to go on about this….

This all reminds me of the cell phone and IP services in the US. The US is close to last in the world for cell and internet bandwidth. But as companies in the US have done for ever they charge a premium for a service that is 10 years old in other countries. Then they go full court press marketing that they are providing the “best tech”. I travel around the world and can attest to this. I can travel on subway underground in another country and have fabulous cell service but at home in the US I can’t get coverage in my home. Is the issue with Mqa mqa? Or is it that they are they sabotaged by the infrastructure that they rely on? In todays world bandwidth should be cheap snd unlimited but we continue to be spoon feed limited amounts snd intentionally slowed down service but our monthly bills continue to rise. 

At first, for me, the best part of MQA was the A part: Authenticated. It meant that the streaming service did not alter the data from what had been originally released.

The bit compression, etc. seemed useless in the face of modern internet and phone speeds.

What I didn't appreciate so much then until I read the Benchmark white paper on it was how much you lose.

I wonder about the Absolute Sound’s absolute schilling for MQA some years ago. It seemed religious…or financial.

It also caused me to realize that this magazine had strayed a long ways from that I subscribed to back in 1974!

In any event, I almost never listen to Tidal anymore as the Quboz offerings have expanded so much.