Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?

I am looking for a tube preamp and starting to narrow down my short list for auditioning. I know there are many wonderful preamps out there in the $10k and under category but I am particularly interested in learning about how these two well respected lines in particular compare to one another (doesn't have to be a comparison of their flagship models). Thanks for any thoughts you may have.


Both the Backert Labs and Zesto preamps are expected to be an improvement over my Ayre K-1xe which is itself an excellent preamp.  I do plan to audition both preamps though it looks like I may need to travel a bit to do it since no dealers nearby.

I have always thought the preamp is the most important system choice you can make.  Even above speakers.  A lot of “good” systems out there could be “great” with the right preamp. 

I don’t think you could lose with either brand but my experience with Zesto  places them in that upper echelon of audio companies