Threshold Stasis S/150

I am considering purchasing the S/150 to drive the Vandersteen 2ci. Do you think the S/150 is enough to drive the 2ci? What I have heard is that the first 30 watts is in Class A mode. Thanks 

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

First make sure it was rebuilt ,this amp was built probably30  years ago and especially capacitors , dry out over time and detail and dynamics sonics lost .

ask for a build sheet rebuild, ask for pictures to see the inside .

Without That just pass how much are they asking  ?

With your system I think a parasound a23+ would be a big upgrade 

perrotta consulting you can get a good deal and free shipping 

I bought one for my 2nd audio system and just put a synergistic purple fuse on back  it sounds very respectable after 200 hours runin..

Suggesting a Parasound A/B Amp to a Threshold Class A Amp is a poor comparison! Nothing in the Parasound line is comparable, and that is from personal experience with both Amps. 


@boostedis Suggesting a Parasound A/B Amp to a Threshold Class A Amp is a poor comparison! Nothing in the Parasound line is comparable, and that is from personal experience with both Amps.


Tend to agree, argh. Had a Parasound A23+ for 45 days myself. Bought it 2nd hand from a chap who owned it a year. Plenty broken in. Was gonna use it as a backup amp. Ended up reselling it to a new owner who was okay with it. Nice build quality, nothing special about the sound in my system, just barely okay, unfortunately. Hopefully others have better luck with this unit, maybe so.

Comparing the two in my system, it’s not even close when talking upgraded/updated Class A Threshold, Forte Audio, to that particular Parasound unit. Quite a startling difference fwiw.


I am not sure if it was rebuilt but I can also get the model FET Two pre with it. I did some research notice that the S/150 models that some have the mkii. The model that the person is selling has the speaker binding post vertical where some I see was horizontal.