Threshold Stasis S/150

I am considering purchasing the S/150 to drive the Vandersteen 2ci. Do you think the S/150 is enough to drive the 2ci? What I have heard is that the first 30 watts is in Class A mode. Thanks 

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

Showing 6 responses by highend64

@unsound Probably is but at a reasonable level, it shouldnt be a problem. With my room treated with basic reflective points, it made a big difference.


I dont have the specifications for the 2ci since the Vandersteen does not have it available on the website. I am awaiting response.

I understand your analogy and you make a valid point but I don’t know the condition of the amp. It could be near mint or have some wear and tear, I don’t know but that is why questions has to asked. Would you by a car that is 30 years old with 30k, probably or tires that are new from way back when , probably.


I am not sure if it was rebuilt but I can also get the model FET Two pre with it. I did some research notice that the S/150 models that some have the mkii. The model that the person is selling has the speaker binding post vertical where some I see was horizontal.


I have not made a commitment on the amp yet. All I was asking if the Threshold was enough to drive the Vandersteen. My budget is less then 1.5k.