Looking for advise with selecting next integrated amp

Hello! I'm looking for advice on selecting the next integrated amp.

Lately, I have been going through audiophile burnout and got tired of spending more and more on isolation, cables, tweaks, power regenerators etc. I sold most of my gear and wanted to settle for a nice integrated and spend time on listening to music rather than tweaking. (streamer, DAC, and phono pre are not required)

I narrowed my search to McIntosh MA352 or MA7200, but recently I learned some things about the company that make it impossible for me to support them. So I'm starting the search from scratch. 

Considerations: Room is 15 by 17. Speakers are an old variation of the pure audio project trio15 with tang band w8 driver - sensitive, but getting the best bottom end requires some power. Tone controls are strongly preferred.

Sound preference - smoothness in the upper midrange and lower treble is a requirement. I would prefer a non-fatiguing presentation over dynamic fireworks. Have a strong preference for a full-bodied midrange with well-controlled/textured bass.


Additional context:

Yamaha sound is a no-go for me - too thin in the midrange.

Rotel products - too high audible noise floor and struggling to present a developed sound stage.

PS Audio M700 monoblocks - Great 98% of the time, but on some notes in low treble, the texture of string instruments becomes "ringing" or "whistling." The only amp that ever did that and prompts me to avoid any class D amps from that point on.

I like the smooth tonality of Cary Audio separates but let them go because of the lack of tone controls and lack of excitement in the presentation.

I really like the treble and mids presentation in amps like Willsenton R8 with upgraded tubes, but it cannot get the most out of the low end and requires significant time to warm up before listening to get the best sound.

I tried Lokius tone controls with Audioquest Mackenzie balanced cables before and after, and it negatively impacted the clarity and sound stage.


To summarize: looking for an integrated with smooth treble and mids, and control of the bass, with tone controls for additional tweaking. Not class D. Preferably solid state or at least with solid state power section. Under $8k MSRP.


Thank you!



Typically tone controls have a very negative impact on sound quality. That was the reality forty years ago and has been reinforced by my recent auditions. If all other things are equal tone controls significantly degrade the sound. In my auditioning of the Luxman vs the Pass… there was really no comparison. The Luxman was trebly and noisy in comparison to the amazingly musical, natural, engaging and quiet Pass.

+1 @ghdprentice If you have good components you really should have no need for tone controls.  Plus, once you enact them they will enter the signal path and will likely degrade to overall performance of the amp.  If you feel the need for tone controls there are likely problems elsewhere in your system.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.  

I have a friend who spent 15k on his McIntosh integratedand loves it, or thinks he does. I absolutely love my Ayon tube integrated, although if you are wanting digital that isn't the way to go. Digital sucks, IMHO. Analog has it beat by a long way, and you don't need to spend as much to figure it out.

E480 for sale here on the ‘gon.

Depending on its history and provenance, looks like a good deal.