Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





Tired post that has been done several times over.

If you want to whine about a genre, you could have added your words to an existing post. No need to start yet another.

I have broad, eclectic tastes in music. Rap is not a big favorite, but the millions of people who really enjoy it, have a right to their opinion and don't need judgement from stuffy, closed-minded individuals.

Enjoy the music... whatever floats your boat. 

Jeeze Louise who cares. 

I'm way more on Ray Charles's opinion than maybe he is, 

but it really doesn't matter. Just change the channel. 


But....if you're talking about the desecration of a race due to culture, then that's different. And yes, it's real. But any who prefer to cry more than create, you will understand as you get older. 

Socrates would say that whether "rap" is music is a question of definition, not of taste. For example, I hate James Taylor, but would never deny that what he does is music. And yet, in American usage, even before Webster's Third New International (1961), the third of seven definitions of music has been "any rhythmic sequence of pleasing sounds." By that standard, whether rap is music DOES depend on whether we happen to find it pleasing, which makes the question subjective after all! Likely this means "intended to be pleasing," not necessarily "found to be pleasing." And yet!  Not a question to be trifled with, at least if you are a philosopher or lexicographer or both.