Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"

I agree with Ray Charles.





Showing 3 responses by waytoomuchstuff

Okay, so Ray got up one fine morning, took a peek out the window, then retrieved the current copy of Billboard magazine from the mailbox and returned to his most favorite chair with a nice cup of coffee. It was then he discovered the growing popularity of rap on the charts and the reality of his waining career.

Then ... what’s that?! Oooohhh ....


An item of interest might be "monogenre-ism" vs "multigenre-ism"? Which is my way of asking how broad is the musical interest of an individual, or group?

One CAN be a Mozart fan.  AND, an Elvis fan.  AND, a Beatles fan.  There are no conflicts here.  A little SRV tossed in on a good day might be okay, too.  Is this a typical "profile" of the musical diverse?

That being said, have we explored some of the music we "don't like", and before passing judgement, determined if there are other music interests of that individual?  And, is this the typical group dynamic for those supporting the genre?   Perhaps, they are musically "diverse.  Or, perhaps, locked into one genre, thus marooned from other musical experiences?

And, are some of us "monogenre-ic" with the music WE love as well?