Macintosch 8950 or parasound a21

I was looking for some advise on a new amplifier .I currently have a Line magnetic 508 1 A  tube integrated ,with a Aurender A10 Dac.I have a pair of klipsch Forte 3s and a pair of Tekton double impacts.The Klipsch sound a little fatiguing on the top to my ears sometimes ,I’m sure a lot of this probably has to do with my room.. I was wanting to try out a pair of 1.7 magnepans sometime in the future. I have admired the Mac equipment and considered trying out one of the integrated pieces and have heard good things about the 7200 integrated but was thinking if I went the Mac route the 8950 ,or the Ma 352 would be a better choice for me.I was told by a local guy that the parasound JC 2 BP with a a21 would sound good with my klipsch ,tektons and Maggie’s.I was curious if anyone has experience with this combo or the Macintosh 8950  or ma 352  and would  the Mac sound good with these speakers also?

Thx for help



Shots fired! 🤣

There’s a lot to room treatment but I basically agree. It’s hard to effectively treat a bad room and also have it continue to look like a living space. Strategic absorption and diffusion can be effective but problems with bass are another story.

Also, I love that you pulled the trigger on the Mac rig! My system is similar but opposite - I stuck the larger amount of cash into the pre; C12000 and MC462. Are you still using stock tubes in the C2700? If so... I’m currently using Northern Electric 12AX7s and Mullard NOS CV4024 / 12AT7s in the line stage. I tried a bunch of 12AX7s and for my money, the Northern Electric wins out. Of note, they’re taller than any other 12AX7 I’ve used, and I have to leave the "hatch" off the tube compartment. The tubes run lukewarm at best, so I’m not overly concerned. If you don’t want to get "adventurous, I found the New Sensor Mullards and Genelex Gold Lions work well too, maybe lacking a touch of the liquid-smoothness and magic of the Norther Electric.

Also, nice to hear you got the Ref 1 Metas to sing. I’m also a KEF dealer and have heard good things. Unfortunately, I tried to bring in a pair for demo and they were backordered until forever.




No offense intended, Micha!! I didn't want the OP to go down a rabbit hole only to find that synergy was the culprit. With my system, I have not considered tube rolling. I also considered your route with MC462 and C12000, but I couldn't get past the two huge blue meters of monoblocks. Also, this is my first set of monoblocks, and I am amazed by the channel separation. In the future, I would certainly consider the C12000. It must sound amazing.



No offense taken! Wasn't aimed my direction anyway! 🤣

I had 601s while we had an active showroom. There is something to be said for those big meters. I firmly believe there is more to great sound than just what you hear. The ownership experience includes the enjoyment of the visual element as well! 

The C12000 is really good. I haven't spent extended time with the C2700 so I can't really compare the two. But it's meaningfully better than the C2500. If you every want to chat about my experiences with it, don't hesitate to drop me a line. Until then, enjoy!



Hmm I have heard the Klispch Cornwall IV (La Scalia too) on the 7200 and 8900 and neither impressed me. The combination seemed a little dull. After about an hour demo on the Cornwall IV I need a full day break from music, my ears were that tired. I demoed them at 90+ DB but I often do that with my own rig. Lower end Mac would be pass for me. 

now before you call me a hater I own a McIntosh MC462 which is my favorite amp to date. I also own a pair of Klipsch 8000f which I used for surrounds. I thought they played pretty well on the MC462 when I was breaking them in. The bass on the 8000f is not very textured other than that they sound ok to me for the $1000 I paid. 

 I don’t think the lesser model macs  will clean up your sound. The truth in the Heritage family of speakers is just fatiguing at high volumes imo.