Macintosch 8950 or parasound a21

I was looking for some advise on a new amplifier .I currently have a Line magnetic 508 1 A  tube integrated ,with a Aurender A10 Dac.I have a pair of klipsch Forte 3s and a pair of Tekton double impacts.The Klipsch sound a little fatiguing on the top to my ears sometimes ,I’m sure a lot of this probably has to do with my room.. I was wanting to try out a pair of 1.7 magnepans sometime in the future. I have admired the Mac equipment and considered trying out one of the integrated pieces and have heard good things about the 7200 integrated but was thinking if I went the Mac route the 8950 ,or the Ma 352 would be a better choice for me.I was told by a local guy that the parasound JC 2 BP with a a21 would sound good with my klipsch ,tektons and Maggie’s.I was curious if anyone has experience with this combo or the Macintosh 8950  or ma 352  and would  the Mac sound good with these speakers also?

Thx for help


Showing 3 responses by jeffreyw



OP, I think McIntosh will tame the highs. I have not heard MAC with your speakers, but I did hear a 352, and it sounded beautiful on a pair of SonusFabers!


Room treatments/problems are overrated! Let me share an interesting AGon story:

I posted on the forum for some help powering my KEF Reference 1 Metas regarding no bass output. I was utilizing the legendary Luxman 590AXII 30W Class A. The overwhelming response was that my room was the problem. The Luxman should have no problem powering the baby KEFs. I greatly appreciated the forum's help and support, but I knew that the advice didn't seem right. I brought the amp to a local dealer and A/B against higher power amps. Magically, the bass appeared!

Short story long, I ended up going off the rails and purchased a pair of McIntosh MC611s. & C2700. My bass output in the same room is easily 300% better. 

Lastly, you mentioned the "sound engineers" on the forum. I guarantee you that if you took measurements of their rooms before and after treatment, the rooms probably had better measurement results pre-treatment. It only sounds better because they justify the cost of some obscure piece of pillow foam changing the dynamics!😁 The best and most significant improvement would be to add a nice carpet and drapes if necessary. 


No offense intended, Micha!! I didn't want the OP to go down a rabbit hole only to find that synergy was the culprit. With my system, I have not considered tube rolling. I also considered your route with MC462 and C12000, but I couldn't get past the two huge blue meters of monoblocks. Also, this is my first set of monoblocks, and I am amazed by the channel separation. In the future, I would certainly consider the C12000. It must sound amazing.