Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time

I seriously can’t think of anything worse. I grew up listening to country music in the late 80s and early 90s, and a lot of that was pretty bad. But this new stuff, yikes.

Who sees some pretty boy on a stage with a badly exaggerated generic southern accent and a 600 dollar denim jacket shoehorning the words “ice cold beer” into every third line of a song and says “Ooh I like this, this music is for me!”

I would literally rather listen to anything else.Seriously, there’s nothing I can think of, at least not in my lifetime or the hundred or so years of recorded music I own, that seems worse.


Right on @winoguy17  @llg98ljk   @tomcarr 

Hip hop is the poorest, closely followed by rap.  Especially the stuff that incites easily impressionable people to violence rape and murder and glorifies such criminal activity.

There is good rap, eg Subterranean Homesick Blues, I'm Waiting for my Man - his man was presumably a rapper, located at Lex and 125.  And quite a bit of 1970s UK punk.

But my superficial interest in country doesn't stretch beyond Johnny Cash,  Which rather excludes modern country.

I grew up with country music, from 60s on. My OPINION is its is nothing like the original. All you have to do is look at Dolly Parton and you can see the problem. She is so disingenuous, and obscenely rich, and there aint no soul inside. Just loves the money. I do believe she was talented. But now?? UGGG. I wish she would ride off into the retirement sunset! Some country music is good. And some of the artists are genuine. Chris Stapelton,, Etc. But, most is just a act. She just  makes my skin crawl. At least she states she is what she is and if you dont like it!??? Well Dolly honey, I dont care for your fake act.

Rap, and Hip-hop is just horrible. I would rather her nothing. I hope the country music changes. We were in trouble when they changed it from Country AND Western.


You must have missed the Superbowl halftime show the last couple of years. 

That said, there is NO "modern music" genre that is any good.  



I conducted a quick poll of my rowdy friends and ex’s that live in Texas and they disagree with you. Oh, yeah, they said to "take your opinion and shove it!"