
Did anyone watch the Buffalo Bills-Miami Dolphins game last night?  The Buffalo fans were pelting the Dolphins with snow/ice balls and it became so bad that they halted the game and asked the fans to desist.   the thought of 300 pound, fully padded gladiators who hit each other in high speed collisions being scared of a few snowballs was hilarious.

  What’s the Audio equivalent?  Someone going ballistic when a fly lands on their $100K power amp?


Where are people's manners these days? Next thing you know, people will be kidnapping governors and storming the Capitol.

And with that controversial comment -- completely factual -- this thread will get deleted. A prediction.

Wife ran a daycare for a number of years, back when I was more of a collector. Did my absolute best implementing OSHA inside that room (so I thought,) but in the end dual glossy sub enclosures fell victim to a teething toddler. The thought of filing a complaint crossed my mind. However, the feeling of being beat by a three year old is priceless and outweighed any possible deposition.

Sorry guys, I grew up in Michigan and snowball headhunting throws were my specialty ;-)

hilde45, it's the FBI's job to do sketchy stuff these days. Completely factual.

  What’s the Audio equivalent?  Someone going ballistic when a fly lands on their $100K power amp?

I am not sure there is an audio equivalent.  Maybe if you were playing something too loud that the neighbors didn't like and they waited for you to step outside and then they nailed you with a snow/iceball? 

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