Vandersteen Forum

I bought an older pair of Vandersteen 2Ce and did not like them. Found out one woofer was crackling (what I did not like was poor tweeter and midrange). I went onto the Vandersteen forum to see if changing a component or two would better the sound than 25 year old speakers. In 2022 almost anyones speakers sound better than 25 year old Vandersteen technology. 
The replies raised my eyebrows. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with that forum and did they find it cult-like or is it just me?


Guys, the Vandersteen forums are only for Vandersteen owners.  Richard set the forums up that way as a replacement for the 'ask Richard' section.  There are many set up threads, music threads, what components marry well with Vandersteen's etc...  There are other manufacturers who have tried posting there and they too have been blocked from posting, but can read.  This has NOTHING to do with Ralph, who even Richard said, makes nice gear and I know it plays great with Vandersteen speakers.  

Ralph was a great poster who shared info about his gear.  A few of the guys on the forum own Ralph's gear and love it.  I'm not an engineer, nor do I pretend to be one. I do love music (gear too) and am blessed to get to hear a ton of stuff.  

@ctsooner feel free to delete my account and all my posts over at the Vandersteen forum - I don't see a way I can do it myself. @atmasphere has always been genuinely additive to the discussions. If the forum is going to devolve to fanboys constantly posting how everyone should upgrade to the Quatros and Richard's word shall not be questioned, then I'm out.

Hey Guys,

Ralph's comments has nothing to do with anything.

To post you have to be a Vandersteen speaker owner.

The rules are specific to share experiences with each other.



Board Rules state “the only true rule is to not be an antagonist.”

Look, anyone can run their forum however they see fit. I don’t begrudge that. But we all know the quality of the forums are directly proportional to the quality of the contributions. Not the quantity of contributions. Not shilling. Not trolling. Not advertising. Not antagonizing. Not hype. Not hyperbole.

Our community is becoming short on insights, experience, expertise and engagement. There are still a few trusted resources around, @audioconnection being one. @atmasphere being another. I like to hear their voices (before, like the names many of us can still recall, disengage, die, or become bored attempting to answer the same questions over and over). We kinda need to hear their voices.

Silence at your own peril. 

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