Vandersteen Forum

I bought an older pair of Vandersteen 2Ce and did not like them. Found out one woofer was crackling (what I did not like was poor tweeter and midrange). I went onto the Vandersteen forum to see if changing a component or two would better the sound than 25 year old speakers. In 2022 almost anyones speakers sound better than 25 year old Vandersteen technology. 
The replies raised my eyebrows. I was just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with that forum and did they find it cult-like or is it just me?


Showing 3 responses by ctsooner

I have no issue with the OP and Richard didn't either.  Richard has zero problem with anyone who wants to change his designs by installing other drivers or guys who want to rip the speakers down and take off teh socks and poles and paint them black etc...

He was very specific about that as folks own them and can do whatever they want to with them.  The issue I have is when folks modify someones design, you shouldn't start posting how you don't like them etc.. if you do, please let people know that they aren't really a Vandersteen speaker (or add any other product) anymore.  I feel that's fair.

You just got very defensive quickly when I told you he was the designer and you kept asking who the engineer was. That was answered prior and you just went on a rant about the designer not being an engineer.  

Other posters from that board have already make salient points about your posting.  We did try to help you as we try to help everyone (Richard included) and you wanted nothing of it or you would have gone to the other threads where all your questions had already been asked and answered. You didn't come off as genuine as all you kept posted about was an associates degree in engineering (although I believe you made it seem like it was a 4 year degree) adn then telling us all more than a couple of times how you are a spine surgeon.  You then always say how that doesn't matter.  I COMPLETELY agree with you. It DOESN'T....  

You are the first person that's ever had a post taken down and also the first to be banned.  If you were serious about your questions and really wanted help getting your very old and used speakers into true Vandersteen working order (to save the time and phase correctness that we Vandersteen owners loves and why we come off as cultish), you would have done that, but as I said, you didn't even try to take the kind help that we all tried to share.

I'm not surprised that you immediately came to Audiogon to try and get folks to support you.  I hope and pray that you are as honorable as you claim and tell anyone looking to buy yoru speakers that you share the true condition of the speakers and don't take advantage of someone the way you may or may not have been taken advantage of (you did overpay for them by a lot and when Richard was honest with you, that's when tenor of your posts changed. I've known Richard since the early 80's and he's as honest as it gets in this business and he's also very direct.  It does turn off many folks, but I personally love that about him. I wish more in audio were as honest as he is.

I'm glad you found a pair of B&W and I honestly hope you paid a fair price and live with them forever.  IT's all about the music and having fun with it.  

Enjoy the music.

Guys, the Vandersteen forums are only for Vandersteen owners.  Richard set the forums up that way as a replacement for the 'ask Richard' section.  There are many set up threads, music threads, what components marry well with Vandersteen's etc...  There are other manufacturers who have tried posting there and they too have been blocked from posting, but can read.  This has NOTHING to do with Ralph, who even Richard said, makes nice gear and I know it plays great with Vandersteen speakers.  

Ralph was a great poster who shared info about his gear.  A few of the guys on the forum own Ralph's gear and love it.  I'm not an engineer, nor do I pretend to be one. I do love music (gear too) and am blessed to get to hear a ton of stuff.  

Got my first Treo';s from Johnny and now have Quatro's.  I was a huge fan for many years after hearing the 2's and meeting Richard in 1983,  They were set up perfectly and it was at Stereo Unlimited in SD (Navy time).

I then went to buy a pair of 2's in RI in the early 90's when I could afford them, but the dealer liked ProAc better and those were set up correctly and the STeen's weren't.  I disliked them at that point for that reason, but didn't realize it.  

I left that store with 3500 ProAc's instead and built from there.  Then when I wanted new speakers, I went to Rutans to get the ProAc's as he was the closest dealer.  He made me (and my family) listen to Treo's.  We all were floored and it was a no brainer.  I was hooked.  Still am.  As Richard has said the speakers will measure well, but from there he can tweet and make them sound better and better.  He's kept doing that for so many years now and those of us who deal with his company know how personally he takes each speaker and his support is as good as anyone's can be.  It's not a cult as much as Wilson isn't a cult or Magico isn't........