First phono stage upgrade

Hi everyone,

Looking for some perspective on upgrading my phono stage.

I got a Rega RP8 and a Vincent PHO 8 as a first step into analog a few years ago.

My Exact cartridge got damaged during a recent move so I sought out advice here on a replacement.

I traded in my Exact for the Ania Pro and arranged to sample some phono stages at a local shop.

After replacing the cartridge, they demoed my table with Musical Surrounding Nova III and a Black Ice Audio F159.

After several hours, the sales guy says they're closing up in a few minutes and asks if I would like to try these units at home.

I ended up taking just the Nova III with both the stock Wall Wart and optional ($650 ish) power supply.

I wanted to A/B test the power supplies first.

Then A/B test against the F159.

Are these units (or this "range") a good next step?

Am I shooting too high or low?

Still very new at this.




The power supply option is called Linear Charging Power Supply (LCPS).

I checked out the gestalt audio site. Might reach out to Colin and check out the suggested units.

But they are located in Nashville. I live in Massachusetts. Maybe Colin can work something out for auditioning.

Not sure what your budget is but when you make small incremental steps you lose money and time. Since you own a Rega P8 consider a Rega Aura which might be the best all round phono stage under $10k. If you ever upgrade to a P10 or your turntable of choice the Aura will stay.

@lalitk I got in touch with Colin. Thanks for the referral!

Trying out the Konus Audio Vinyle 1000 MC MKII. It should arrive sometime next week.

Interesting that it is current sensing (vs voltage sensing). I am very curious to try it as I am auditioning the Nova III and Black Ice Audio F159 over the next week.

Anyone else using a Konus? Impressions?

So far I am enjoying the upgrade from the Exact MM to Ania Pro!

Try the Lehmann Black Cube SE II.  Includes LPS and for ~ $1200 is a super good deal.