CD player suggestions...

I'm in the market for a new CD player in the $600  - $800 range. Suggestions?


Yamaha, Rotel, or Cambridge CXC with Schiit Bifrost 2. Stretch the budget for that Cambridge with a Danafrips Aries II

While I will buy electronics without moving parts. I stay away from buying used with mechanical components. The only electronics I have ever had to repair were CD players.

I'm very happy with my Audiolab CDT 6000. Big upgrade over my Marantz 6007. Caveat, it is a transport only. A capable DAC is required to use it.

Listening to my Audiolab 6000CDT right now. A great performer for the money. Highly recommended

I just bought my first CD player in 26 years.  I wanted one that encouraged me to play the CDs I have, something that sounded more analog.  I purchased a Marantz 6007.  Very pleased with how good It sounds.  Additional, playing music through the USB allowing the player to use its DAC sounds very good.