Parts for Dynavector 501 Tonearm

I've been using a Dynavector 501 Tonearm for about 15 years now.  I have really enjoyed using it, but the arm lift mechanism has worn to the point it is inoperable. I really need parts, or a good machine shop to make the parts to renew the lift.

Do any of you know where I could get parts for it, or a machine shop (close to me in Puget Sound area of Washington State?)

Thanks, and regards,


Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

When I got my 501, back around 15 years ago, Dynavector did not stock hardly any parts for their older arms. I haven't even checked with them, if they didn't have parts that long ago, I wouldn't think they would have them now. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

Lewm, I did find an outfit in Clackamas Ore. that does tonearm repair work, I don't know the guy's name, but the business is called Inner Sound. I can't reach them until Tuesday, I guess I'll just have to hang on to my shorts until then.

Thanks and regards,


That’s not Colby’s business. I did provide his email, which I somewhat regret because I feel I’ve violated his privacy. It was too late to delete once I realized my indiscretion.

Within the last 8-10 years I’ve bought parts for DV505 and 501 from the US distributor. Admittedly these were counterweights and an AS weight on its string, but it can’t hurt to ask. After all, he does connect with the factory.

Lewm, I will contact the US distributor, maybe there'e a chance. I will definately contact Colby Lamb, I really appreciate your help in this matter.

I've loved this tonearm far too long to let it go to waste now, if I can help it.

Many thanks for your help,



Some of the parts for the 507, which is still current, are the same as the 501 and can be interchanged. I would be surprised if the arm lift mechanism is not interchangeable.

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