Class D Amplification Announcement

After 60 some odd years of disappointment, Class D has finally arrived. As per The Absolute Sound’s Jonathan Valin, the Borrenson-designed Aavik P-580 amp “is the first Class D amplifier I can recommend without the usual reservations. …the P-580 does not have the usual digital-like upper-mid/lower-treble glare or brick wall-like top-octave cut-off that Class D amps of the past have evinced.”

Past designers of Class D and audiophiles, rejoice; Michael Borrenson has finally realized the potential of Class D.


Oh, you mean a Crown XLi 2500 isn't "audiophile" grade then at $595. Guess not. 

Seriously, over the years as far as this hobby is concerned, I've been perplexed by this "push" to Class D.  What exactly does it offer at the end of the day that A or AB or H don't have? 

I mean sure, it is nice to pickup a 750W amp with one hand and all, but does anyone really CARE that their Class A or AB amp is using a bit more power than a Class D would?  If you can afford $4000 to $40,000 for an amp, I don't think you are worrying about your power bill. 

I guess I'm asking, just because a technology is possible doesn't give enough reason as to why to pursue it, so what gives? 

I mean sure, it is nice to pickup a 750W amp with one hand and all, but does anyone really CARE that their Class A or AB amp is using a bit more power than a Class D would?


If you can afford $4000 to $40,000 for an amp, I don't think you are worrying about your power bill. 

I agree!

My class A monoblock amps, have a power consumption of 65 watts. 😎


I have not heard the Merril or Atma-Sphere GaN amps.

I can only speak directly about all the tube and solid state amp I have owned.

And to a lessor degree, amps that I have heard at shows and friend’s homes.

The review by @jjss49, I feel, gives an accurate breakdown of AGD’s performance.

IME, the AGD Audions produce SQ that is different and unique. Partially, AGD’s designer clearly has a great ear. And partly, he has created an amp that reproduces all the “broad strokes” and, especially, the subtitles that take SQ from great to “real”. One key of these is hearing the phrasing of musicians. Something that is both subtitle and profound. I have only heard this quality with AGD.