Large amp fan for Classe CAV150

My Classe CAV150 is running really hot with my Thiel CS3.6 ran in bridged mode.  It looks like the AV Infinity fan is too small for this unit.  Has anyone found a good "flat" quiet fan that might be good for this?  Options?



... looks like the AV Infinity fan is too small for this unit.

Do you mean the AC Infinity component fans? If so, I think you’d be surprised. The top exhaust full size 17-inch models will move 210 CFM and the rear exhaust units move 160 CFM. You might want to compare that to whatever else you’re considering. I use a a rear exhaust fan on a tube preamp that fits rather tightly in the rack. It’s a great solution. I think Audio Advisor sells them, so you’d have 30 days to try one.

The AC Infinity is 17 inches wide and the amp is like 19x21.  The AC Infinity would sit squarely on top of the aluminum top plate which is almost solid.  All the heat is on the right and left sides so I wanted something that would extend that far out.

Running the CAV 150 in bridge mode with 4ohm speakers is why your amp is running hot