dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport

Just received on Friday,the above referenced unit. I figured today would be the day to experience what others have been talking about, namely the GREAT Sound!!! Oh boy Saturday.  Hooked everything up, ready to start playing, and nothing. Unit turned on, running standard power supply, and using a good aes/ebu 110 cable. Displaying after moving switch to ON,  a big red X on screen. So far so good, placed a CD on spindle and little holder on top, closed door and big red X remained. I hit the play button and same screen was still there, no playback. When I looked closer to investigate, I noticed a small half moon piece of silicone on the surface where the CD rests. Couldn't figure where it belonged?? As I consider myself to be good with machinery etc. I could see two  small raised tabs (silicone based)  on surface where door when closed would touch down, nice touch!  Also, a small raised metal tab on base, so when door closed would push against medal tab and tell machine it was OK to play. Remember the small half moon piece mentioned earlier? I wonder if that was positioned on bottom of top door, so when closed would depress that metal tab,and activate the machine??? Very poor design if I am correct? 

     If anyone owns this transport, I 'm guessing that this little silicone tab was at one time attached to the bottom of the closing door and supposed to hit that metal tab to actuate the play mode.  Please let me know if I am correct. Very disappointed in TN  Thanks for letting me VENT!!


I just had a thought


first did you plug the PS into the RST2 first?


Either way, unplug from wall or PLC wait 5-10 seconds then turn on (this has worked for me a couple times)


Fingers crossed

Defective and should be promptly returned for refund or credit as the buyer may prefer and advise.

to charles1 dad and tweak 1  Thanks so much for the response. I can only assume by your posts that you own or are very familiar with the transport. It was all set up properly and plugged in to a power supply when appropriate. When the on switch was activated, the screen turned on and I believe a big red X appeared. (if memory serves me) I believe indicating a CD needs to be added along with clamp. I did so, and closed the door. NO change in initial screen. I hit the play button hoping all would be well and play would start, NOTHING different. Took CD out and tried again, second time wasn't a charm.

     When looking at floor of machine in front, (LID UP) I noticed a small metal raised switch (pressure activated I believe) bare metal, not covered with any material? (odd)  I assume when lid closes, it's weight activates play mechanism, via switch. When lid closes mine does not. 

     Hopefully this paints an accurate picture. Do the machines you own have that same naked metal raised switch?   Just trying to figure out from  a line of sight perspective if I seeing something or not???? Or is it something internal that is obviously out of sight. Just spitballing   I always seem to be Murphy's law subject. Thanks as usual. Robert      I was hoping for an epiphany of sorts... Not to be

 Do the machines you own have that same naked metal raised switch? 

I see the small uncovered metal switch you refer to. I suspect it performs the function as you described. I have owned my RS 2T since November 2021 and have had zero issues. This is why I suspect either a faulty unit or damage incurred during shipping.

Robert I’m sorry this purchase didn’t work out for you. I believe that you would have loved it paired with your DAC. Alas, these events do happen.



I've had the RS2-T for about 2 weeks. To my ears it is an excellent sounding transport and value based on sound performance. However, at this point Pro-ject it  appears to me has a quality control issue.

When I unpacked my unit the bottom of the door (being when the door lid is fully opened) has a small flat piece held by 3 teeny screws. Two of them were not secured and when I opened the lid the last screw gave way. That now free piece is very tinker toyish. Regardless of that fact the unit itself does have a solid feel to it with overall the lid movement being fluid and smooth.

I purchased from Underwood Wally who by the way is being fantastic with his customer service. He had 4 units and according to Wally 3 of them had this exact problem. Wally has units on order and upon arrival is swapping out the cosmetic issued units for brand new for all three customers. Huge kudos to him for making the customer #1!

I listened that first night loving the performance of the RS2-T. The next night when I went to listen the blue led lit up but the display stayed dark.

Long story shorter my unit sometimes will not function. If I wait 10 minutes and try powering up again, then so far it will power up properly and continue to work for as long as my listening sessions have been.

To my knowledge my unit was the only one with the double whammy.

I might be too forgiving but I believe these are minor hiccups and when I receive my replacement unit that I will have many years of trouble free service.

Pro-ject just needs to get someone to pay attention in QC.