Phono Preamp w/ Rumble Filter

Looking for suggestions on a Phono PreAmp under $5k new or used that has a rumble filter and balanced outs. Seems these two options greatly reduce choices. Rumble is a must, may can do w/o XLR. Current TT is a Denon 100th Anniversary with a 110 Anniversary MC cart, but may eventually upgrade them as well. 

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There are some situations where a rumble filter has to be used as a last resort.  I have such a situation, tried every recommendation within these pages, spent countless unnecessary money and even changing turntables and cartridges, twice.  After all that, I went with the KAB rumble filter @ $179.00.  It works as advertised, does not affect the sound and allows me to enjoy vinyl at any volume. I have been using it for 7 years. 

Just a quick thought -- since you are using subwoofers, have you run a frequency sweep with a good measurement mike?  It is real easy to end up with too much subsonic info that is aggravated by room nodes and has little or nothing to do with the music itself. 

Alternatively, consider a rumble filter to the line level feed to the subwoofer amp, like one from Harrison Labs which comes in 20 HZ and 30 HZ high-pass options with 12 dB/octave curves.  At about $30 on Amazon, they'd make for an inexpensive experiment and are returnable if you don't like them.

Disregard if you've already checked out this angle...

@stereo5 - thank you very much! You describe the exact rabbit hole I didn’t want to go down and knew it was possible. With this piece I can buy any phono preamp I llike and add the rumble filter. 

Thanks again.

@mlsstl - interesting. Only experiencing the rumble with the turntable, not CDs or stream. Will look into this, thank you!

Current TT is a Denon 100th Anniversary with a 110 Anniversary MC cart, but may eventually upgrade them as well. 

If your phono is set up correctly you should not have problems with rumble. My speakers are flat to 20Hz and my preamp (including phono) has bandwidth to 2Hz. Yet rumble isn't a problem.

If your cartridge has compliance too high for the mass of the arm/cartridge combination, you will get excessive low frequency motion on the cantilever as the cartridge tracks the LP- its nothing to do with the turntable unless the 'table has a serious problem!

The rumble filter will introduce a low frequency pole that you will notice (if you still have the Betas) as a loss of bass impact and extension. I'm of the opinion that its better to solve the problem than put a band-aid on it that degrades the sound. Put another way you need either a lower mass tonearm or a lower compliance cartridge.