Competitive class D amp suggestions

I have been Class D fun since a few years ago when i bought my first class D amp. I like the concept, in general, and all the attractive features of this class of amplifiers. I tried 4 different ones, currently i  stayed with one of them that i consider to be the best among all four amps. I do enjoy and like it. At the same time,  my 5 watts SET amplifier (with more than 100 times higher distortion according to the specs) gives more natural and (surprisingly) notably cleaner sound (THD of the class D amp is 0.001). The soundstage  of the class D amp is not so bad but that of the tube one is still better.   

I remain attracted by class D amps though. 

Any fresh suggestions on reasonably priced class D amps (i mean excluding  non-reasonably priced class D amps, e.g., Merrill amplifiers)?

Any comments on non-reasonably priced class D amps are also welcome (so far i was not able to audition many class D amps and am curious if there are some which could really compete with Class A). 


Besides the ones I already mentioned, Jeff Rowland is another egregious omission.

Do you mean any particular JR class d amp?

As to Nuprime, i am not aware about STA 9 but still have HPA 9 preamp which is class a. Quite well sounding preamp by the way.


The UcDs were DIY amps that I build over 10 yrs ago.  Ncore via Teac, NAD, and Cambridge designs.   Purifi via Mivera.

I have always found that the source content really defined the listening experience. Garbage in...garbage out.

Never listened to vinyl and relied on CDs before streaming.  Had high end Levinson transports, class A amps.  Doesn't compare to streaming native content that I'm experiencing now.

I have to say that my old UcD 700 monoblocks sound really good through my Roon core and streaming via Qobuz.  The Purifi's are a good step above and my current reference.  The Class D GaN 5 gives me another level of definition.  I can't really describe it (and not going to throw out all the reviewers terms).  It just has me saying, I've listened to this song 1000 times and wow, it really sounds so much better.  If I had to use one word....layering.  Not 3D, but something special.

Looking forward to the Peachtree stuff and will also be trying the Rose RA180 when it hits the US. 

Orchard Audio KingKrimson Ultra.

They use GaN FETS and hence have almost  immeasurably low THD & noise.