First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s

On my KEF Reference 5’s.

While I normally hear little to no change with “Tweaks”, I installed them Saturday evening and found immediate spatial differences. Just about every album sounded more open. I told my wife, who helped me install the Gaia’s,  that if I wasn’t wowed, I’d send them back.

The room has wall to wall carpet and pad on the floor and when  I first received the Reference 5’s, they sounded flat. I put small hardwood flooring samples under them and it helped a little.  I then put a small slab of granite under each of them and they became much nicer to listen to. I was quite surprised at the change. 
The Gaia 1’s are sitting on the granite as well and so far, I’m very happy. 

It’s only been a few days, but I’m pretty sure they are “hear” to stay.

Anyone else have similar experience’s with speaker. Isolation?



There are at least a couple of speaker manufacturers who are now fitting these as standard--i.e. when you buy the speaker, they're already in the box.  PSB is one of these, and PSB is definitely not what I would consider a tweaky brand.  So they must have their reasons.

+1 and +1 on the Gaias. Have the speaker version on a pair of 170lb each Tannoy Churchill’s and on my Sonus Fabers. I use the pucks under all my components. Awesome product, tightens the bass and adds a great deal of detail and precision  in the soundstage. Highly recommended and a great buy!

I have used the Gaia ll on my LSIM707 pair and enjoyed the improvement. +1 for the upgrade.



I need the 1/4-20, long studs and my local dealer didn't have them, I contacted the company who didn't have any and had no time frame for when they would. Over the course of the year, I've kept in contact with them so as to not fall through the cracks and until my last email, was told the same. Late in March they told me they should be available in April but with no specific date.

I've even contacted several retailers in larger cities and offered to pay for shipping but no one has any. I'm thinking at this point, the parent company could have used just about any machine shop and had them made since their primary supplier doesn't seem to be able to provide them.

@jafant: An Esoteric DV-50S. I bought Arthur Salvatore's personal example of the CD/SACD player from him at a good price. Everything else in my system is tubed, except for a couple of spare SS power amps.