Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?




I have 4 separate grounding boxes. One for my amps and subwoofers. One for my digital and 2 smaller ones for my speakers. They are all connected via the ground side on a rca/banana. None are connected directly to chassis or to ac ground.

So how would I use the Russ Andrews plug in device?



It is essentially a Groundmaster. I wanted one to have a filter before my second earth rod (and to give his a try) for my signal grounds


So, are your amps and subs signal negatives for sure not chassis?.

@bugredmachine could explain what a non A/C ground would look like connection wise on a component?  Would that only apply to two prong components?  Thanks

Fyi - I contacted RA to see if the RF Router Plug-in and the RF Router MkII box performed the same if you plugged the MkII in the wall and not connect it to a grounding rod.  They said the two would perform exactly the same.  Seems to me the MkII offers future flexibility and would take up less plug space.  


I am connecting only to the speaker banana/spades on my amps and the rca’s on my subs.

However, I do not think the Carver amps have a separate (3rd wire) ground on the AC line.


Some day I would love to try these Grounding cables out! (Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see info on their new "Ghost" Grounding cables. 

Grounding cable “Ghost” 1,5 m - 4 750 Euro

We do customize your grounding cables according yours specific needs, all sort of connectors are available.

Yes I do use their PSD and find it to be absolutely stunning in performance.

(Dealer disclosure)