Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



I tried the SGS and it did not work as well as my DIY or the Entreq. At least in my system.


it might be worth trying placing a long piece of crystalline/rock tourmaline adjacent to the cable at the entry point with the grain structure aligned parallel with the cable. Not saying it will work, but worth a try and not that expensive in the grand scheme. Might also be the place to try a Bybee signal enhancer or SR tuning disc

would be interested to her the results if anybody tries it

I'm interested in the Puritan Audio Labs - The Ground Master but it's impossible for me to have an additional Ground Rod as I'm on level 6 of a 35 story apartment complex.

Somehow I'd like to have a one way system so any noise in the building's ground can't contaminate my system.

Any ideas?



I think your situation is exactly what these boxes are for.


Ozzy, the Entreqs did not have plates in them? I assumed, as they state, a battery-looking device that collects voltage in reverse of how a battery with cathode and anode plates works.