Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Showing 9 responses by pesky_wabbit

it‘s got me beat why people play around with expensive ‘virtual earths‘ when you can make the real thing. Got an old radiator? Ham radio ops have been doing it for over a century.

I'll try grounding my negative speaker terminal to earth ground rod 

bury a large copper plate or large piece of scrap with about 3‘ cover and water during dry weather  -  have used this for RF for decades. Even a car radiator works well.

observations do not concur with established theory

approach 1. conclusion: observations are flawed

outcome: status quo preserved

approach 2. conclusion: further investigation is warranted

new or modified theory proposed that aligns with observations

theory tested >

null hypothesis formulated, rejected or not,

theory rejected, theory accepted for further testing, theory modified or new theory proposed,

theory tested > …etc etc.. outcome: Scientific progress is made, even if we reject 10 hypotheses

my own experiments have lead me to conclude that there are things going on within electrical fields that theory clearly states shouldn‘t, and based on the anecdotal reports of many audiophiles I am not alone. I view this as an opportunity for scientific advancement rather than something to be dismissed in a condescending manner.

There are just too many people independently reporting similar findings for them to be dismissed out of hand.

What steps have you taken to avoid redundancy, and ensure that all the listed ingredients are active, and indeed serve a useful purpose in the functioning of the grounding box?





sounds like a worthwhile avenue of research; if you can shed more light on the functionality of earth boxes and simplify their construction kudos on you..

the moment progress in commercial earth box construction appears to have stagnated at the “I can make my recipe sound more esoteric than yours“ stage, with no real justification given as to why certain ingredients are being added.

This has lead to the brute force approach, where bigger is better, instead of a smarter is better mindset focused on uncovering the actual physics at play

then why do so many otherwise sane people report that they do? This type of uninformed condescension wears very thin from those who have zero hands on experience and simply pontificate from their armchairs

It‘s the why it works I find fascinating..

But users report that the ground wire is perhaps even more significant than the grounding box.

interesting - what type of construction are they?

it might be worth trying placing a long piece of crystalline/rock tourmaline adjacent to the cable at the entry point with the grain structure aligned parallel with the cable. Not saying it will work, but worth a try and not that expensive in the grand scheme. Might also be the place to try a Bybee signal enhancer or SR tuning disc

would be interested to her the results if anybody tries it