Impressions of Coincident Speakers

Wanted - Impressions of Coincident Super Victory III

Would like to find individuals owning or hearing the Coincident Super Victory III (or other similar Coincident Speaker Technologies speaker) and / or the Devore Super 9 speaker.

I am in the market for a new pair of high sensitivity / high-flat impedance curve speakers with a nominal impedance of 8 ohms or greater. 1st order crossover, highly dampened woofer, etc.

I’m researching Devore Super 9’s and Coincident Super Victory III, so if you can describe tonal accuracy, treble and bass specifics, scale, stage/image, coherency, etc would very much be grateful for you taking the time to add to this forum your views on these speakers. It will mean a trip to SFO to listen to the Devore Super 9’s and since the Super Victory III’s are sold factory direct, my only option to purchase of these speakers would not include listening to them, buying unheard (so to speak). I’m wondering if those 12" woofers are more tame then what a sealed subwoofer would normally provide. My current speakers follow the base line with well defined and articulate notes; and thats what I am looking for. I have neighbors, and knowing I may be disturbing them with thundering room pressurizing bass distracts from my listening pleasure. I have an REL R305 sub for those times when I want to feel the kick of a bass drum and need the option of turning off subterraining bass. Coincident specs the speaker goes to 28Hz and the woofer is well damped for tube amplification. Any views / info regarding bass of these speakers would be very helpful in my selection between the above reference Devore and Coincident


My current speakers are Sonist Concerto 4, Genertaion 2, driven by 30 Watt P/Pull Class "A" (mostly) EL34 (Ars Sonus Filarmonia, with Jupiur Copper Foil / Bees Wax coupling caps)

Front baffles of speakers are approx 5’ from front wall, 9’ apart tweeter to tweeter, 3’ from side wall (center of tweeter to side wall. I sit 10 to 12 feet from front baffle of speaker. Opens up to kitchen behind where I sit, about 22 feet to wall behind my seat. So basically the entire area is 15’ wide X 37’ long, speakers on the narrower wall (15’)

I have purchased a LTA ZOTL 40 Integrated W/ EL34 Mullard tube upgrade. The LTA will be the primary amp in the new set-up.





I might question the designer’s business model but never his ears. There is not a single piece of Coincident gear that I have heard that is not true to tone. That includes the electronics. At best, coincident gear is capable of sublime beauty.

Bill, very interesting how you succinctly summarized Coincident ’s greatest strength (And they do many things well) . Purity and truth of tone/timbre. As you well know I own the Statement Line Stage, Frankenstein 300b and speakers. They do in fact share this trait. Israel Blume does rightfully deserve credit for this accomplishment. "Capable of sublime beauty " this has been my experience. Well said Bill.👍






Every speaker, regardless of design, is going to have an optimal placement and relationship to the main listening position in a given room, or said in another way, no speaker is going to reach its potential in a given room if you can't accommodate the optimal position.

If one is not careful to dial in speaker position and the main listening position, these speakers are capable of inarticulate bass.  If one is careful, they are capable of nice articulate bass.  This just isn't a speaker that you can plop down anywhere and get it to workup to its potential.

Both bass response and imaging benefited from an enormous effort in optimizing speaker and listening position placement as well as room treatment. In the absence of this, speaker performance in those areas was disappointing. These will not be speakers that will work in any room, and might not be the best in a room where you don’t have freedom to ad


Wnen setting up / positioning speakers , I follow the George Cadas Near Field Setup or a modification of, along with his Golden Cubid setup.

Of course like most Audio perfectionist I spend a good portion of a day or two inching speakers and seating around assisted by the floor grid and layout pattern outlined in "Get Better Sound" by Jim Smith. I also tried to employ (where I could) other methods based on Jim's book. Equipment Rack relocation and the corner traps resulted in the most significant improvements in sound by eliminating or reducing center fill reflection and standing waves.

I believe, my near field arrangement / configuration helps with the first reflection.

After looking over my listing area (family room) I believe  that the walls would be able to accommodate sound absorbing treatment panels, without distracting from the aesthetics of the room (too much) if obtaining a reasonable SQ requires it.  I have been fairly satisfied with SQ in the past without these treatments, but recognize probably further gains could be realized with additional treatments.


So you will be wanting to find a speaker that is happy with what you can give it.  It is essentially impossible to predict that a priori.  

I agree 100%.  I think that with a reasonable amount of knowledge /  experience one can get a pretty good idea of what type of speaker would be better suited in a specific size and configured room; at least to a certain degree.  I have found that my room works best with front ported and acoustically suspended speakers but that really limits ones speaker options, especially if a high sensitivity speaker with benign impedance is a priority. 

 After reading the information you provided, I realize the potential of this speaker to be a more difficult fit (in my room) with its 12" side firing woofers, opposed to The Devore Super Nine 7" front firing woofer. I appreciate  your  Candance in describing not only the attributes of the SV, but also the shortcomings that one should be concerned with. Like Charles had mentioned, There are" concerns about literally any speaker as none represent perfection".   

My initial concern was the weight and impact of the bass and how it may be a nuisance to the neighbors, after all,  two 12" woofers is bound to generate some questions or doubt (at least for me.) For others some look for bass weighted speakers , like the Legacy Focus SE, with four 10" long throw Sub woofers (different folks, different flavors) Charles had described the bass as: "I wouldn't say that the bass reproduction is "tame" it is present yet controlled,  certainly not  overemphasized or too prominent. It will be suitably proportional to the volume level chosen." In addition to other comments / info I came across, I am drawing the conclusion that the low end wont overload or overpower my room, but requires careful speaker placement and dial in to achieve articulate bass; I would think that this would be true of any speaker going to 20-22Hz or below. On the other hand a 2.5 way with 2 ea 7"mid/woofers should be a little bit more forgiving in its placement requirement. Based on the information you provided, the real question may be; does my room have the flexibility to properly accommodate the SVIII. I'm going to contact Israel Blum and see what has to say about this and other topics and maybe arrange for a demo at his location, although a demo would reveal the SV's potential, how effective it would be in determining what sound I could expect in my room carries with it a big question mark.

I may plan to demo the Devore Super Nine in SFO.  If the dealer would permit me to use my Integrated and cables, the sound would more closely coincide with what I would be able to reproduce at home, and not so much and apples and oranges comparison.


having the woofers firing towards each other in a narrow room gives too much cancelation due to out of phase waveforms.

I understand the problems with out of phase waveforms. But also consider the phase issues that two subs can create.  

This may or may not be, since I don't know much about open baffle speakers, but supposedly the interference between the forward and back pressure wave of the woofer some how results in a bass reproduction that some people find more musical and real than that produced in a sealed woofer.

There's an interesting statement from Stereophile found on the Coincident web site regarding facing side firing woofers inward.  Listed below.

The Stereophile Show 2001 provides a dramatic real world illustration of the benefits of mirror imaged side firing woofers. The demonstration rooms were plagued with a standing wave centered at 100 hz ( elevated in amplitude by 12db!). This was the case when the Total Eclipse woofers were firing to the outside and as other exhibitors experienced, when the woofers were front facing . However, when the woofers aimed to fire to the inside, the room standing wave was avoided and flat frequency response to below 30 hz was achieved.

I'm sure its room specific in terms with speaker to speaker and side wall distance


Hi Brad mine were placed about 8 feet apart between rack and about 18" from rear wall which is the long wall and sounded better with the woofers pointed inward.  Good luck and have fun!  



 I do understand the concerns regarding side firing woofers. In my case the woofers facing inward was just okay. When I changed to outward firing position this resulted in a "substantial " improvement. Case by case scenario as it will simply depend on one’s listening room acoustics.

Case by case scenario as it will simply depend on one’s listening room acoustics.


I agree Charles, positioned inward works for @pehare . Positioned outwards works for you and Bill. Room size and  acoustics dependent.  


​​​​​​​@charles1dad @brownsfan @hilde45 @pehare @palasr @prof @pehare @jond 

First off, sorry about the underlining of statements.  I haven't figured out (yet) how to highlight the text in this format.

I can't express how grateful I am in all the informative responses I received, and I appreciate all the effort and time you guys took in assisting me.

Your logical reasoning and the subject matter presented was and is very helpful, in a greater capacity than probably what I would have been able to come up with on my own.

Thank You Very Much

PS:  I will get there

Brad - Portland Oregon






@bradf, one final comment.  I encourage you to use the free Room Equalization Wizard software for optimizing speaker placement and establishing the best listening position.  It takes some effort to get up to speed on using the software, but it really isn't all that difficult.  There is a forum where you can go to ask questions, and there are a number of people on this forum that can also offer assistance in getting started including me and @hilde45.  I can tell you that I would never have gotten my room to where it is now had I not used REW.  None of the various guidelines, including the Cardas method, are able to really able to anticipate the peculiarities of side firing woofers.  REW can also help if your room is anything less than perfectly symmetrical.  

I've helped others set up a room optimally in as little as 3 hours.  My own room took a good bit longer, because I was still learning about room acoustics and how to get the most out of REW while I was optimizing.  

One problem is that when trying to optimize using critical listening, at least for me, is that my ability to listen critically wanes after an hour or two.  Memory between sessions isn't exact.  Any change in one position will offer improvement at one frequency and compromise another.  REW allows you to study in depth the impact a given change in position has on the entire frequency range, as well as issues with  excessive decay times,  You can even use it to locate points that may be compromising imaging.  

Well worth the effort, regardless of which speaker you ultimately end up buying. 

@bradf, I might also mention that I was not able to get the SVIIs work near field.  My listening position is about 13 ft from the front baffle.  At that distance, the SVIIs presentation is pretty much like a single driver.  At 7-8 ft, you can, as I recall, discern between the sound coming from the mid and the tweeter.   

Thanks again Bill

I'm sure I'll check into REW software.  Sounds like a practical and more accurate means of speaker placement . I may also want to research room correction hardware

Depending on how far the speakers are from the front wall, I sit between 10 and 12.

I think currently Im sitting about 10' with the front of the speakers out 5 feet (approx) front baffle to front wall.  One limiting factor is I really can't move my seating any further aft, due to a division in wood and carpet flooring. The aft legs of the sofa are near the edge of the carpet.

Thanks again
