
Responses from bradf

101D Triodes
Here are the detailed electrical specification differences between the NOS Western Electric 101D and the current production PSVANE 101D-L vacuum tubes: Specification NOS Western Electric 101D PSVANE 101D-L Heater Volta... 
101D Triodes
@sns  Update:  Awaiting response from Israel regarding 300B mod. Added up hours on my 101D WE Rep before failure.  Came to 561.0    
101D Triodes
I will let you know what Israel says about the mod.  Since there is no mention of it on the Coincident web site, my thought is that you are probably right. Thnx for the Ohmite info.  When I add up the hours on the tubes, I will let you know how m... 
101D Triodes
@sns  Israel, sent me a letter describing the problem with the circuit for the heater element along with the sand cast replacement resistors.  Considering the quality of the Coincident products, It doesn't make sense (at least to me) that this he... 
101D Triodes
@ sns. About 1 month after purchasing the Coincident Statement, Israel, mailed the sand cast resistors to me with an explanation of there use and affect to the filament circuit. Unlike you, I had what he sent installed. In hindsight I regret not ... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
Again, Thanks for your help Tone Audio in SFO should be able to provide the dimension.  Im  thinking about calling them in the AM   Thanks PS: Good luck with the move Brad        
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
@Ladok  Thank You for taking the time to describe your room dimensions, seating position, ect.  That info is very helpful. One thing I noticed, that has me concerned, is the lack of space between binding post on the Super 9's. The positive and ne... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
@ladok  Hi, I'm still in the process of researching speakers.  Just wondering how far you find it to have your Super Nines out from the front and side walls. Also, how far away do you sit from your speakers. To give you an idea of my room; the ... 
Impressions of Coincident Speakers
Thanks again Bill I'm sure I'll check into REW software.  Sounds like a practical and more accurate means of speaker placement . I may also want to research room correction hardware Depending on how far the speakers are from the front wall, I si... 
Impressions of Coincident Speakers
      @brownsfan  Every speaker, regardless of design, is going to have an optimal placement and relationship to the main listening position in a given room, or said in another way, no speaker is going to reach its potential in a given room if... 
Impressions of Coincident Speakers
@prof  Stereo Mojo gave the Super Victory II their product of the year award.  Listed below is the link to the review leading to this award. In my mind I have no question regarding there SQ , The Coincident line has been proven to match very well... 
Impressions of Coincident Speakers
@brownsfan   Bill, Thank You for responding to my questions regarding your listing area and position of woofers.  I am unable to comment at this time due to some deadlines , but as soon as time permits, I will follow this discussion up. Thanks ... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
@ladok  A couple of high sensitivity speakers that I don't remember being mentioned here. Haven't heard either, but some good reviews on both. Vaughn Loudspeakers Products Coherent Audio Loudspeakers ( Brad  
Impressions of Coincident Speakers
@brownsfan  Woofers, firing in or out - ?. Sonic differences between the two positions?   Thnx Brad  
Impressions of Coincident Speakers
@charles1dad  I just believe that the more scrutiny applied will uncover concerns about literally any speaker as none represent perfection.    Your right, I do have a tendency to open rocks to see how they work